Ayala Companies, Executives Receive Awards from FinanceAsia

Ayala Companies, Executives Receive Awards from FinanceAsia

Ayala executives were feted for company and individual achievements at the FinanceAsia Awards held June 4 at Fairmont Makati.


Ayala executives were feted for company and individual achievements at the FinanceAsia Awards held June 4 at Fairmont Makati.

The Ayala group topped nearly all categories in the FinanceAsia poll published in March. Ayala was named Best Managed Company in the Philippines for the second consecutive year. Ayala Land, Globe, and Manila Water also figured prominently in the regional survey which covers investor relations, governance, and dividend payment policies. Ernest Cu was ranked second among Philippine CEOs and Jaime Ysmael and Delfin C. Gonzalez, Jr. were ranked first and third, respectively, among CFOs.

Members of the companies’ management teams also attended the FinanceAsia awards, which was co-presented by Maybank ATR Kim Eng and featured Asianomics Founder and Chief Economist Dr. Jim Walker as guest speaker.

For more information, visit Financeasia.com.

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