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Ayala Corporation values the importance of regular communication with all its shareholders, investors, and stakeholders.

Among these communication channels, Ayala holds an Annual Stockholders’ Meeting where shareholders are provided a venue to raise questions and to learn about the company’s performance and strategic plans to grow the business.

In support of greater transparency and improved shareholder involvement, Ayala provided multiple voting options either by appointing a proxy, voting in-person, or through electronic voting in absentia. Equal effect is given to votes whether cast in person, by proxy or in absentia.

The Ayala Group Listed Companies have established a secure and easy to use Voting in Absentia and Shareholder (VIASH) System through which their stockholders, who are unable to go to the venue or to send a proxy to attend the meeting on their behalf, have the additional option of casting their votes in absentia, subject to validation procedures. The requirements and procedures for this mode were disseminated to all the stockholders through the Information Statement.

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