Ayala helps boost QC COVID-19 testing capacity



MANILA, February 16, 2021 — The testing capacity of the country’s biggest city gets a boost as Ayala Group of Companies donates testing kits and other medical supplies via Ayala Foundation.   

In a virtual turnover ceremony today, Mayor Joy Belmonte received P4.5-M worth of supplies that would further expand the city’s mass testing efforts.  Partners in this effort are Philippine Center for Entrepreneurship Foundation, Inc., who led the Pooled PCR Testing Program with QC LGU; and Assurance Controls Technologies Co., Inc., who assured the efficient supply of needed test materials and consumables to the accredited laboratories for the Pooled PCR testing. 

“We appreciate the support that we have been receiving from many stakeholders, including the private sector who have been truly supportive and helpful throughout this ordeal,” Belmonte said. “The Ayala group is not just among the top corporate icons in the country but is also one of the leading private organizations leading the COVID-19 response in our country. And Quezon City is blessed to have received your generosity and kindness.” 

Last September 2020, the Ayala group, through Ayala Foundation, Inc., also donated a Bio Rad PCR machine to capacitate QC’s first molecular laboratory, which passed the Department of Health’s proficiency test last October 13. The Quezon City Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory obtained a perfect score after it obtained accurate results from five samples, as verified by the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine. 

“About 4 months ago, on September 18, we met with you, Mayor Joy, and your team to turn over our donation of a Bio Rad PCR machine for the newly constructed Quezon City Bio-Molecular Laboratory. At that time, our country badly needed to increase its testing, treatment, and tracing capacity,” said Ayala Corporation President and COO Fernando Zobel de Ayala. “So we built facilities and procured equipment.  And, while we have made significant progress since then, the need remains for continuous testing, treating, and tracing; the need remains for replenishment test kits and medical supplies.” 

According to the City Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit, QC reported 29,558 total COVID-19 cases as of January 21; 27,620 of these patients have already recovered.  Such high recovery rate can be attributed to the city’s testing, tracing, and treatment efforts. 

The Ayala group has been actively helping boost the COVID-19 testing capacities of different LGUs. In partnership with the City of Manila, Ayala constructed a new molecular laboratory inside Sta. Ana Hospital, enabling the city to offer free serology testing to barangays and frontline workers. Ayala also donated automated RNA Extraction machine and 2 RT-PCR machines to Davao City’s Southern Philippines Medical Center, thereby increasing the city’s daily testing capacity by 1,000 tests.  

“We have not seen a problem of such proportions as COVID-19. Hence, our response needs to be equally massive.  We can do this by working together – the private sector and the public sector – leveraging our unique resources and combining our strengths. We can collectively scale our response and multiply our results,” Zobel added. 

Ayala companies land top spots at ASEAN corporate governance awards

MANILA — Companies from the Ayala group bagged top accolades at the 2019 ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard Awards held by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Institute of Corporate Directors on Friday.

Ayala Corporation, BPI, Ayala Land, Inc., and Globe Telecom were hailed ASEAN Asset Class Awardees after scoring at least 97.5 points. Last October, the London-based Ethical Boardroom also named Ayala Corporation and Globe as Best Corporate Governance awardees in Asia and Australasia.

In addition, Ayala Land, Inc. and Globe Telecom were named two of the top three publicly-listed companies in the Philippines. Both companies have also made it to ASEAN’s top 20 list.

The ASEAN Corporate Scorecard is an assessment based on publicly available information and benchmarked against international best practices on corporate governance of six participating ASEAN member-countries, including the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. According to the SEC, these awards aim to motivate the private sector to continue their initiatives despite the difficulties brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This award is very meaningful to our company as it acknowledges the efforts that we have put in to improve and align our practices with regional and global standards,” Ayala Land, Inc. President and CEO Bobby Dy said. “Good corporate governance has always been part and parcel of the way we do business at Ayala Land. With the onset of COVID-19, its importance is highlighted now more than ever as we pivoted to adapt to the next normal.”

“We are grateful for the continued support the company receives from our partners, regulators and stakeholders as we continue to strengthen and uphold corporate governance in our business alongside creating a wonderful world of Globe for all,” Globe Telecom President and CEO Ernest Cu said.

With good corporate governance and prudent investing, the Ayala group is able to look after its employees, protect its partners, serve the broader community, and continue to add value to its shareholders amidst the nation’s battle with COVID-19. During the pandemic, BPI launched the COVID Action Response Bonds—or CARE Bonds—to help fund pandemic response initiatives. Ayala Land, Inc. also pioneered the country’s first real estate investment trust, called AREIT, which has a portfolio of commercial and office assets that have mostly been resilient during the pandemic. With strong support from the national government, Globe continued to invest in cell sites and towers to hit its target of helping accelerate the country’s digital transformation and thus give reliable Internet connection to all Filipinos.

“The pandemic has revealed both the vulnerabilities in our institutions as well as the opportunities to improve the way our businesses serve our communities,” said Ayala Corporation Chairman and CEO Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala. “Ayala Group renews its  commitment to the highest standards of corporate governance and will continue doing its part in helping the Filipino overcome this crisis.”

Ayala chief tells Filipino investors to keep their faith; invest more to stimulate the economy

Makati, Philippines – January 22, 2021 Ayala Corporation Chairman and CEO Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala said in his keynote speech at Shareholders’ Association of the Philippines’ (SharePHIL) membership meeting that Filipino investors—big and small—are helping stimulate the country’s economy by supporting expansion despite the challenges presented by the pandemic.  

“Businesses and investors of all sizes have a unique role to play to exponentially accelerate our recovery…Rest assured that you can count on the Ayala Group to be your friend and partner in promoting inclusive growth through smart investing; motivated by the principles of shared prosperity and inclusive capitalism,” Ayala Chairman and CEO, Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala, said during his remarks at SharePHIL’s very first General Membership Meeting for 2021 held last January 22.

Zobel said it is encouraging to see that more Filipinos are now participating in the stock market. The Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) recently reported that retail investors now account for 25.9% of total domestic investors, versus just 18.2% last year. PSE also anticipates additional IPOs and REITs this year 

“Businesses and investors of all sizes have a unique role to play to exponentially accelerate our recovery,” Zobel said. “Rest assured that you can count on the Ayala Group to be your friend and partner in promoting inclusive growth through smart investing; motivated by the principles of shared prosperity and inclusive capitalism.”  

Last year, despite massive uncertainties, the Ayala Group continued investing in different sustainable projects alongside actively engaging with the government and the private sector in capacitating the country’s COVID-19 defense. The Ayala group firmly believes in promoting shareholder-focused capitalism to expand financial and economic inclusion across all market segments. Further, the group continuously seeks to find innovative ways to pivot its businesses to remain sustainable and relevant to the market it serves. These are the guiding principles for its investment priorities as they directly contribute to and demonstrate its partnership in nation building for nearly two centuries. 

As such, amidst the pandemic, the Ayala group opened avenues for Filipino and foreign investors alike to participate in its growth ventures: 

  • Manila Water (MWC) and AC Energy both raised $800 million in sustainability and green bonds to finance water and waste water infrastructure projects in MWC’s East Zone concession area as well as expand renewable energy sources.  
  • AC Energy’s total green bond issuance is now at $1.17 billion, making it the largest green bond issuer in the Philippines and among the largest in Southeast Asia.  
  • Ayala Land launched the country’s first-ever real estate investment trust, called AREIT, which has a portfolio of commercial and office assets that have mostly been resilient during the pandemic.  

BPI also pioneered COVID Action Response Bonds—or CARE Bonds—to help fund pandemic response initiatives. It also continues to offer a wide range of funds—more than 30 retail investment funds.  

Despite the unprecedented economic slump in 2020, Zobel said the Ayala Group is cautiously optimistic for 2021 as mall traffic and remittances continue to improve. “We are at a critical time for the country. Aside from averting new COVID infections and ensuring proper vaccine administration, we face the huge task of reorienting our institutions towards sustained and inclusive economic growth.” Watch the full session here: https://www.facebook.com/SharePHIL/videos/1190121801408272  

Ayala acquires controlling stake of Qualimed

Ayala acquires controlling stake of Qualimed
Panay Medical Ventures Inc, Iloilo City

Ayala Healthcare Holdings, Inc. (AC Health) through Healthway Philippines Inc. (HPI), today has signed agreements to acquire a controlling stake of Mercado General Hospital, Inc. (Qualimed), which owns or has interests in the Qualimed Health Network.

The agreements were signed on December 21, 2020, between HPI, led by Paolo Borromeo, AC Health President and CEO, Qualimed, represented by Dr. Edwin Mercado, President and CEO, and Whiteknight Holdings, Inc., represented by Ayala Land, Inc.’s Alfonso Javier D. Reyes. The closing of the transactions shall occur after the fulfillment of the conditions agreed upon by the parties.

The addition of Qualimed expands the AC Health clinic and hospital portfolio, housed under Healthway Philippines Inc. This includes all family, specialty and corporate clinics, which earlier this year were integrated under one Healthway brand. With the acquisition, AC Health will now have four general hospitals, more than 85 outpatient clinics, and about 80 corporate clinics, as well as the country’s first cancer specialty hospital which the company announced previously.

“We have always believed in Qualimed’s vision to deliver accessible and affordable healthcare to Filipinos. Over the past few years, we have built a strong partnership between Qualimed and Ayala Land and we are delighted to integrate Qualimed into AC Health’s growing portfolio. The COVID-19 pandemic has renewed the Ayala Group’s commitment to invest in healthcare, and with this investment, we will be better positioned to provide much-needed healthcare services for the country,” said Fernando Zobel de Ayala, Chairman of the Board of AC Health.

The Qualimed Health Network includes 4 hospitals: Qualimed Sta. Rosa located in Nuvali, Qualimed San Jose Del Monte in Bulacan, Qualimed Iloilo in Iloilo City, and Daniel O. Mercado Medical Center in Tanauan, Batangas. In addition, Qualimed also operates an ambulatory surgical center in UP-PGH, and has clinics in Makati, Quezon City and in Cebu IT Park.

Ayala acquires controlling stake of Qualimed
Daniel O. Mercado Medical Center, Tanauan, Batangas

“With the addition of the Qualimed Health Network, AC Health now completes the entire continuum of patient care, from primary clinics, multi-specialty care and now to hospital care. We have taken a deliberate approach to building up our healthcare ecosystem, with the goal of delivering an integrated patient experience for more Filipinos. In addition to expanding our touchpoints, we are also excited about creating unique synergies in our network, such as patient referrals, expanded opportunities for our medical professionals, and greater operational efficiencies on pharmacy and diagnostics,” said AC Health President and CEO, Paolo Borromeo.

“We are delighted to be part of the AC Health family. During this pandemic, our partnership with AC Health to upgrade our hospitals and to build our COVID-19 labs has been pivotal, allowing us to serve thousands of patients across our network. It is this collaborative spirit that will ensure Qualimed’s continued growth during these challenging times. Qualimed has always endeavored to make healthcare more accessible, and we hope this partnership will allow us to accelerate that vision even further” said Dr. Edwin Mercado, President and CEO of Qualimed Health Network.

Qualimed Sta. Rosa and San Jose Del Monte were converted into full-scale COVID-19 Referral Hospitals through upgrades on facilities and manpower. Each hospital was also equipped with its own modular-type BSL-2 laboratory for COVID-19 testing, in support of the IATF’s T3 (Test, Trace, Treat) program. To date, Qualimed has seen about 30,000 confirmed and suspected COVID patients, and has performed over 82,000 COVID tests.

Healthway Philippines Inc. will house all of AC Health’s clinical and hospital businesses. This includes all family, specialty and corporate clinics, which earlier this year were integrated under one Healthway brand. HPI also houses AC Health’s new cancer specialty hospital, which is a partnership with Cancer Treatment Services International (CTSI), a Varian company to develop and operate the first comprehensive oncology center in the Philippines.


  • Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala, current Chairman and CEO, to focus on role as Chairman of the Board effective April 2021. 
  • Fernando Zobel de Ayala, current President and COO, to become President and CEO in April 2021
  • Jaime Augusto and Fernando Zobel de Ayala will retain all their current positions, as Chairman or Vice-Chairman, in the various subsidiary boards of the Ayala group of companies.

MAKATI CITY, December 17, 202008:00 AM  –  Ayala Corporation (AC: PM) today announced that Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala, Chairman and CEO, will transition to focus on his role as Chairman of the Board effective April 23, 2021, after the 2021 Annual Stockholders Meeting. 

Ayala Corporation’s Board has unanimously approved the Company’s CEO Succession Plan whereby Fernando Zobel de Ayala, President and COO, will become President and CEO, effective April 23, 2021 after the 2021 Annual Stockholders Meeting.

Jaime Augusto and Fernando Zobel de Ayala will retain all their current positions, as Chairman or Vice-Chairman, in the various subsidiary boards of the Ayala group of companies.

“At Ayala, it is our leaders’ responsibility to nurture talent and plan paths of succession.  In this regard, I see myself as no different from our leaders past and present,” said Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala.  “Fernando and I are very fortunate to work with a deep leadership bench; and we are confident that planned leadership transitions such as this are critical ingredients for sustainable success.  Moreover, we have the opportunity, with this move of decoupling the Chairman and CEO roles, to reflect an evolving global best practice in Environment, Social and Corporate Governance.”

Continued Jaime Augusto, “Fernando has successfully provided leadership across a variety of the Ayala group companies for more than two decades, and he is eminently suited to continue providing executive momentum in his new role as President and CEO of Ayala.  Both Fernando and I have worked as a leadership team for many years now, and we intend to continue charting Ayala’s path forward in tandem.”

“It is an honor to continue leading this company with an outstanding and trusted team on our side,” said Fernando Zobel de Ayala. “Together, we have worked hard to build on the many successes of those who came before us; and are committed to continuing to improve lives and create value for our next generations of colleagues, their families, our broad ecosystem of stakeholders and our Country.”

“I would like to thank Jaime for his many contributions as CEO; and commend him for his continuing commitment to live out the values of his recognition as a United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Pioneer in 2017, the first such honoree from Southeast Asia. I am reassured that he will continue to provide guidance in this next phase of our company’s growth,” added Fernando Zobel de Ayala.


Forward Looking Statements:  All statements other than statements of historical fact may be forward looking statements.  Our forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release or as of the date they are made.  We undertake no obligation to update our forward-looking statements.

Investor Relations Contact:

Celeste Jovenir

Head, Investor Relations
e-mail – jovenir.cm@ayala.com

Media Relations Contact:

Yla Alcantara
Head, Brand and Reputation Management
e-mail – alcantara.ypg@ayala.com

Ayala Corporation Announces Organizational Moves

Makati City, Philippines; December 16, 2020, 5:00pm – Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala, Chairman and CEO of Ayala Corporation announced the succession plan for the group’s Chief Finance Officer, a position currently held by Jose Teodoro “TG” K. Limcaoco.  Mr. Limcaoco concurrently holds the positions of Chief Risk Officer and Chief Sustainability Officer of Ayala Corporation.

Earlier today, BPI’s Board of Directors approved their CEO succession plan whereby Jose Teodoro K. Limcaoco will succeed Cezar P. Consing as President and CEO of BPI, after the BPI stockholders’ meeting set for April 22, 2021.

Mr. Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala announced that Ayala Corporation’s Board of Directors approved the nomination of Mr. Alberto M. de Larrazabal to succeed TG Limcaoco as Chief Finance Officer, Chief Risk Officer and Chief Sustainability Officer, effective on April 23, 2021.

Albert is no stranger to the Ayala Group having joined Globe Telecom in June 2006 as head of its Treasury Division overseeing treasury, tax and insurance operations. He was promoted to the role of Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer in 2010 and did exceptionally well as CFO. In November 2015, Albert was elevated to a newly created role of Chief Commercial Officer, overseeing all customer facing units (CFUs) and growing revenues across all products and service groups.

Albert brings to the company a wealth of expertise in finance, treasury, risk and commercial operations at the holding company level. Prior to joining Globe in 2006, he was CFO of San Miguel Corporation, capping over 18 years across all major finance functions at SMC.

Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala said, “the Ayala group of companies is very fortunate to have a deep bench and succession pathways for colleagues who epitomize our values and exhibit potential beyond their current roles.”

“TG is an outstanding and valued leader in our group. His deep background in banking and finance, innovation and digitalization, risk management and ESG, and the strong alliances he has forged have been indispensable to Ayala Corporation in the last few years and especially during the crisis of 2020.  Going forward, these strengths of TG will be invaluable in ensuring continued success for BPI as the country and the world transition from crisis to recovery.” 

“We are excited at the prospect of having Albert move from Globe to join Ayala Corporation in April 2021.  His proven business acumen, leadership and ability to navigate in a complex conglomerate setting will be crucial as we steer through and beyond the challenges and seize the opportunities ahead,” concluded Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala.

Ayala Corporation Announces Organizational Moves
Jose Teodoro “TG” K. Limcaoco, who concurrently holds the positions of Chief Finance Officer, Chief Risk Officer and Chief Sustainability Officer of Ayala Corporation

Ayala Corporation Announces Organizational Moves
Alberto M. de Larrazabal, Chief Commercial Officer of Globe Telecom


Forward Looking Statements:  All statements other than statements of historical fact may be forward looking statements.  Our forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release or as of the date they are made.  We undertake no obligation to update our forward-looking statements.

For more information:

Investor Relations Contact
Celeste Jovenir
Head, Investor Relations
Ayala Corporation
Email – jovenir.cm@ayala.com

Media Relations Contact
Yla Alcantara
Head, Brand and Reputation Management
Ayala Corporation
Email – alcantara.ypg@ayala.com

Ayala’s manufacturing unit bets on digitization, electric vehicles in post-COVID boom

Makati, Philippines – December 14, 2020 Optimistic about the country’s recovery in 2021, the Ayala group believes the manufacturing sector can help accelerate this by investing more in digitization and pivoting toward changing global demands. 

Last Thursday, the Department of Trade & Industry (DTI) and Board of Investments held its annual Manufacturing Summit, where senior leaders from the Ayala group were invited to talk about the conglomerate’s innovations under the theme “Rebuilding Towards a Smarter and Resilient Manufacturing Sector.”

“What this pandemic has brought upon to the world and specifically to the manufacturing industry is a reset button. So opportunities that were previously not available to our country, to participate into that global supply chain, are now available. But at the same time, challenges of the status quo that we were able to live with under the old regime has also transformed… So how the Philippines will be able to play within that sphere of changes as it evolves, I think it is going to be very important for us to manage. Within the Ayala group, we have chosen to invest in the manufacturing and localization of selected technologies that are aligned with these macro and industry developments, such as in electric mobility, connectivity and IoT, and smart energy,” said Arthur R. Tan, President & CEO of AC Industrials and CEO of Integrated Micro-Electronics, Inc. (IMI). 

This year, AC Industrials, which holds Ayala’s industrial technologies businesses, created several relevant and impactful solutions to adapt to changing market needs that have arisen from the pandemic.

Future-proofing manufacturing

IMI is accelerating its digital transformation to build resiliency against future disruptions. It is investing in data engineering and expanding its real-time analytics capability that could help provide more value to customers and reduce overall operating costs.

As the world gradually shifts toward cleaner, more sustainable living, AC Industrials has invested in manufacturing critical components from power modules and EV charging infrastructure to high-value specialty solar gridded cells and panels. It is also looking into the potential expansion of its motorcycle business into the electric space.

AC Motors, on the other hand, is reimagining its retail model post-pandemic. It seeks to satisfy consumers’ automotive demand in the digital space through virtual showrooms, online sales platforms, and mobile aftersales capabilities.

Scaling up manufacturing initiatives

Five years after partnering with Europe’s largest motorcycle manufacturer, the KTM joint venture factory in Laguna has manufactured over 20,000 motorcycles, exporting the majority of these to China. Domestically, 60% growth in Philippine KTM sales during the second half of 2020 due to the increased demand for personal transportation.

Pivoting to meet demands

IMI’s Laguna facility, which focused solely on electronics manufacturing prior to the pandemic, now produces up to two million face masks per month. The company also developed solar-powered hands-free sanitizing booths, which have been rolled out in various AC Industrials sites in the Philippines.

IMI also heeded the call of government for the local production of critical medical equipment. In May, the company introduced the localized UCL Ventura Flow Generator, a non-invasive ventilatory support device designed to help COVID-19 patients avoid the need for intubated treatment. This FDA-approved device is the first breathing aid solution to be manufactured in the Philippines.

“Establishing a solid, globally competitive manufacturing sector can diversify and strengthen the country’s economic base… This [pandemic] now opens a fleeting window for countries like ours to serve as alternative manufacturing locations, and consequently demonstrate the potential to host global firms who seek to build footholds in Asia… As we collectively forge past the pandemic, both the public and private sectors thus have vital roles to play – not only in rebuilding the country’s manufacturing capacity but transforming it for greater global relevance,” said Ayala Corporation Chairman & CEO Jaime Zobel de Ayala, who in his keynote address called this a “rare opportunity.”

“The Ayala group remains committed to being an enabling partner of the government as it seeks to not only rebuild but transform the Philippine manufacturing sector for greater global competitiveness post-COVID-19. We and other private businesses can complement the government’s efforts by creating new jobs aligned with the post-pandemic economy, helping reskill the workforce, and localizing the high value, complex capabilities required for long-term national competitiveness,” Zobel concluded.

With the support of government, the Ayala Group continues to aggressively pursue its manufacturing initiatives, with the hope of contributing to the country’s competitiveness and resiliency in a post-COVID world.

Ayala’s manufacturing unit bets on digitization, electric vehicles in post-COVID boom-min

Ayala Corporation Chairman & CEO Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala (leftmost) and AC Industrials President & CEO and IMI CEO Art Tan (second from left) observe a prototype of IMI’s UCL Ventura Flow Generator. This technology is the first breathing aid solution to be manufactured in the Philippines. It is a non-invasive alternative ventilatory device that was localized from IMI’s UK subsidiary’s tech. It was designed to help patients with mild COVID-19 symptoms avoid the need for intubated treatment. IMI received FDA approval for this innovation in July 2020.

AC Health showcases cancer site, innovates services throughout the pandemic

AC Health showcases cancer site, innovates services throughout the pandemic
Ayala Corporation President and COO Fernando Zobel de Ayala (5th from left), Zodiac Health Ventures CEO Jenara “Nona” Ong (5th from right), DOH Secretary Francisco T. Duque III (3rd from right), and AC Health President and CEO Paolo Borromeo (rightmost), together with other AC Health and DOH representatives

Ayala Healthcare Holdings, Inc. (AC Health) is developing the country’s first comprehensive cancer specialty hospital. On December 9, the AC Health Group, led by Fernando Zobel de Ayala, welcomed DOH Secretary Francisco T. Duque III, to the cancer center site in FTI Complex, Taguig for a brief tour and a discussion of AC Health’s initiatives to support the implementation of the National Integrated Cancer Control Act (NICCA).

“We are grateful to the Ayala Group for their continued commitment to improve cancer care in the country, especially by establishing the first specialized hospital for cancer in the Philippines. Beyond that, we also thank them for their response efforts throughout the pandemic. Being one of the first private institutions to respond to COVID-19, the Ayala group continuously works with the IATF and the government in providing testing and treatment modalities for patients all over the country,” said DOH Secretary Francisco T. Duque III.

“The Ayala Group will continue to be a partner of the Department of Health (DOH) in addressing healthcare gaps in the country. AC Health’s network offers a unique opportunity to redefine healthcare in the Philippines and the Ayala Group is committed to continue investing in various innovative healthcare solutions. Ultimately, we believe that the collaboration of the public and private sector will help realize our vision of improving healthcare for all Filipinos, especially in light of this current health crisis,” added Fernando Zobel de Ayala, Chairman of the Board of AC Health.

In November, AC Health announced its partnership with the Cancer Treatment Services International (CTSI), a Varian company and a leading oncology services provider that has supported the delivery of safe, quality, and affordable cancer care worldwide for nearly two decades. The 100-bed cancer facility will be located in the FTI Complex in Taguig City, Metro Manila, adjacent to Ayala Land’s Arca South development.

AC Health showcases cancer site, innovates services throughout the pandemic

AC Health President and CEO Paolo Borromeo and Ayala Corporation President and COO Fernando Zobel de Ayala welcome DOH Secretary Francisco T. Duque III for a tour of AC Health’s cancer center site in FTI Complex, Taguig

Innovating throughout the pandemic

Ayala Healthcare Holdings, Inc. (AC Health), the healthcare arm of the Ayala Group, continues to leverage its network and innovate on care delivery throughout the pandemic. AC Health’s integrated healthcare ecosystem includes the country’s first comprehensive cancer care hospital and a partnership with the Qualimed Health Network to improve treatment facilities in the country. Its network is also comprised of over 750 Generika Drugstores, 100 Healthway Family, Multi-Specialty, and Corporate clinics, and the HealthNow mobile application.

AC Health’s business units have adapted to ensure patient needs are met amidst the pandemic:

 Healthway at Home: Healthway clinics have brought their services closer to patients through Healthway at Home, which offers home healthcare services such as COVID-19 RT-PCR testing, laboratory testing, primary care consultation, physical therapy, vaccination, and medicine delivery.

 Generika App: Generika Drugstores recently launched the Generika mobile application where patients can get generic medicines and other healthcare essentials right at their fingertips. The platform allows patients to locate the Generika branch closest to them, order medicines and other healthcare products, select their preferred mode of payment, and choose between pick-up or delivery.

 HealthNow App: AC Health’s Vigos Ventures, in partnership with Globe’s 917Ventures, launched HealthNow, a primary care platform that offers telemedicine consultations, online medicine ordering and delivery, and clinic and diagnostic testing booking. HealthNow is envisioned to be a healthcare super app that aggregates different healthcare services into one platform, the first of its kind in the Philippines.

 Qualimed Expanded COVID-19 Bed Capacity: AC Health recently expanded the COVID-dedicated bed capacity of Qualimed Sta. Rosa and Qualimed San Jose Del Monte to over 100 beds combined. This signifies another milestone between the partnership of AC Health and Qualimed which began in April when AC Health converted Qualimed Sta. Rosa into a COVID-19 Referral Hospital.

Both the Generika and Healthnow apps are available for download in Google Play for Android and the App Store for iOS.

“We are proud to leverage our integrated healthcare ecosystem and accelerate innovations across our portfolio as a response to the crisis and in preparation for the next normal. Innovation is at the forefront of our priorities, especially as we witness and adapt to the changes in healthcare delivery brought by the pandemic. By offering home healthcare services, launching digital health platforms, and building specialty treatment facilities, AC Health aims to transform traditional care methods while continuing to deliver quality, affordable, and accessible care to all Filipinos,” said Paolo Borromeo, AC Health President and CEO.

2020 PANAta Awards hails Ayala’s COVID-19 response as most authentic (Gold Award)

The country’s largest organization of advertisers awarded a gold to Ayala Group of Companies’ COVID-19 response entitled “Stronger together: How the Ayala Group helped Filipinos cope with the pandemic” at the 2020 PANAta Awards held virtually last December 8.

This year, PANAta Awards introduced Gawad Pandayon to recognize brands “which have responded in a way that uplifted lives and inspired others” during this time of COVID-19. Here, Ayala bested 26 other entries under the Authenticity category, reserved for the brand which went beyond messages of sympathy but exemplified benefits to its target market.

Ayala’s entry detailed how the conglomerate leveraged on the expertise and resources of its different companies to provide relevant and integrated responses to the health crisis with speed, scale, and stamina through public–private partnerships.

Organized by the Philippine Association of National Advertisers’ (PANA), PANAta Awards is among the Philippines’ most prestigious award-giving bodies. It recognizes impactful campaigns that reflect excellent marketing and brand-strengthening practices, reviewed and judged by industry peers, representatives from the academe, and brand owners. The PANAta Awards received nearly 200 entries this year.

Ayala’s COVID-19 response: speed, scale, stamina

Ayala continues to be at the forefront of the collaboration between the private sector and government. Through Project Ugnayan (www.projectugnayan.org), Ayala synergized with 270 private entities to raise over P1.7 billion worth of assistance (as of June 30, 2020) for Greater Manila Area’s economically vulnerable population, while ensuring a timely, targeted, and dignified distribution system through Caritas Manila’s network of parishes.

Ayala also partnered with other private enterprises to convene Taskforce T3 (Test, Trace, Treat) which closely worked with the IATF and the DOH to help augment the country’s testing capacity by building and capacitating laboratories. The Ayala Group built the World Trade Center “We Heal As One,” a 502-bed quarantine center, established COVID-19 referral hospitals, provided all swabbing booths in the country’s four biggest testing centers and free internet connection in 80 hospitals, 3 major airports and key supermarkets nationwide as well as free calls to government hotlines. More recently, together with other members of Taskforce T3, Ayala signed up to assist the government in securing and strategizing the distribution of the much-awaited COVID-19 vaccine.

It’s healthcare arm, AC Health, kept its network of clinics under Healthway Family Clinic (formerly known as FamilyDOC) open during the lockdown to facilitate screening of suspected cases of COVID-19; converted Healthway Medical in Greenbelt 5 into a chemotherapy infusion center to give cancer patients a safe place to receive treatment; and, together with Globe, created HealthNow, an all-in-one health app for doctor teleconsultations, medical appointments, and medicine delivery.

Integrated Microelectronics Inc., Ayala’s electronics manufacturing arm, also launched the UCL Ventura Flow Generator, an FDA-approved, lower-cost ventilation device to help prevent mild cases of COVID-19 from reaching critical point, while protecting medical frontliners as it reduces the spread of aerosols.

Several support measures for Ayala’s business partners were swiftly implemented, including early and continuing rent condonation in commercial spaces; extended grace periods for bill and loan payments; and 24/7 utilities operations. The group also established the Ayala Enterprise Circle to provide its network of 250,000 SMEs—the backbone of Philippine economy—with training modules, networking opportunities, and support services to help them recover.

“We are grateful to receive this recognition from PANA. We owe this accolade to our over 55,000-strong Ayala Citizens who emulated and put into action Ayala’s sincere desire to help communities especially in areas where we operate. We will keep working together with public and private sectors in jumpstarting our economy while keeping one another safe. Be assured that at Ayala, we are one with our country in pivoting our businesses to a more resilient, sustainable future for everyone. Thank you once again to PANA for this esteemed honor,” said John Philip Orbeta, Ayala Corporation Managing Director and Group Head for Corporate Resources.

By end-October, the Ayala Group has allocated over P11.9 billion in COVID-related initiatives to support its employees, partners, customers, and the broader Filipino community.

2020 PANAta Awards hails Ayala's COVID-19 response as most authentic (Gold Award)
Generika pharmacy assistant Sheena Gallego, 27, rides a tricycle everyday to personally deliver medicines to her customers. Read more – https://chronicle2020.ayala.com/articles/heroes-on-a-tricycle
AirSwift’s Capt. Jose Enersto Gagto is among the pilots who volunteered to do sweeper flights when the Luzon-wide lockdown was implemented last March. Read more – https://chronicle2020.ayala.com/articles/on-sweeper-flights

Healthway Family Clinic launched in the City of Manila

Healthway, the integrated clinic arm of Ayala Healthcare Holdings, Inc. (AC Health), inaugurated its branch in Earnshaw, Manila as the newest Healthway Family Clinic on December 2, 2020. Formerly known as FamilyDOC, the Healthway Family Clinic is part of the broader Healthway network of over 100 Family, Multi-Specialty, and Corporate clinics, making it the largest integrated clinic network in the country.

The event was attended by Manila Mayor Isko Moreno, Vice Mayor Honey Lacuna, and the Healthway leadership team, led by Paul Darroca, President and CEO of Healthway, and Jaime Alfonso Zobel de Ayala of the Ayala Corporation.

Healthway Family Clinic launched in the City of Manila-min

“The City of Manila is delighted to support Healthway and we are happy to have several branches in our city. These services are very much needed especially during this pandemic and we welcome the continued investment of the Ayala Group into the City of Manila. We hope Healthway opens more clinics to provide Manileños greater access to doctors, laboratory services, and medicines. Opening more clinics also creates more job opportunities for our constituents,” Hon. Isko Moreno, Mayor of the City of Manila shared during the clinic launch.

“We would like to thank Mayor Isko Moreno and the City of Manila for their support. We have always considered the City of Manila as a partner in promoting healthcare. Under the leadership of Mayor Isko, we have seen healthcare revitalized in the city and we would like to reaffirm our commitment to support this advocacy through our Healthway clinics. This pandemic has pushed us to develop innovative solutions such as home healthcare services, drive-thru testing, and medicine delivery, all of which will now be available to more Manileños,” Paul Darocca, CEO and President of Healthway added.

Healthway’s partnership with the City of Manila includes the distribution of 1,500 UnliCheQ cards to the Mayor’s Office. The UnliCheQ card allows its holders to receive unlimited consultations with Healthway primary care physicians for a year.

The Healthway network is composed of over 100 clinics in three distinct clinic formats. Healthway Family Clinics offer community-based primary care, while Healthway Multi-Specialty Centers provide mall-based specialty services and diagnostics. Healthway Corporate Clinics serve corporate clients, providing corporate population health services, including COVID-19 prevention and management.


Throughout the pandemic, Healthway clinics have remained open to provide extended frontline care for patients to help decongest hospitals. They have also implemented strict protocols in the clinics to ensure the safety of patients. Since March, the Healthway network has conducted nearly 250,000 in-clinic assessments.

The Healthway clinics are part of the Ayala Group’s broader commitment to support the City of Manila. Recently, the Manila Molecular Laboratory was opened in Sta. Ana Hospital. Globe also launched their Globe Batang Maynila package to provide affordable data plans and under its “KonekTayo Wifi” service, Globe has deployed school buses equipped with special antennas in key areas in Manila to broadcast WiFi signal in covered areas including Pasaje del Carmen St., Remigio St., 853 Gonzalo Gil Puyat St., 924 Bilibid Viejo St., Tomas Mapua St., Alfonso Mendoza St., Dalupan St., Oroqueta St., and Basco St. in Manila.

The use of KonekTayo WiFi service will be free for the first hour for public school students and teachers in Manila who were provided 289,000 Globe SIM cards. AyalaLand, through the Tutuban Project, constructed rest rooms in the Kartilya ng Katipunan site, near Manila City Hall. Currently, discussions are ongoing for partnerships relating to COVID-19 testing technologies.